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“Lean  and  Efficient  Software: 
Whole-Program  Optimization  of  Executables” 

Project  Summary  Report  #2 

(Report  Period:  12/25/2012  to  3/24/2013) 

Date  of  Publication:  April  3,  2013 
©  GrammaTech,  Inc.  2013 
Sponsored  by  Office  of  Naval  Research  (ONR) 

Contract  No.  N00014-12-C-0521 
Effective  Date  of  Contract:  09/25/2012 
Requisition/Purchase  Request/Project  No. 

12PR 10 102-00  /  NAVRIS:  1100136 

Technical  Monitor:  Sukarno  Mertoguno  (Code:  311) 

Contracting  Officer:  Casey  Ross 

Submitted  by: 


Principal  Investigator:  Dr.  David  Cok 
531  Esty  Street 
Ithaca,  NY  14850-4201 
(607)  273-7340  x.  146 


Dr.  David  Cok  Dr.  Alexey  Loginov 

Tom  Johnson  Brian  Alliet 

Dr.  Suan  Yong  David  Ciarletta 

Dr.  Junghee  Lim  Frank  Adelstein 

DISTRIBUTION  STATEMENT  A:  Approved  for  public  release;  distribution  is  unlimited. 

Financial  Data  Contact: 

Krisztina  Nagy 
T:  (607)  273-7340  x.117 
F: (607)  273-8752 
knagy  @  grammatech  .com 

Administrative  Contact: 

Derek  Burrows 
T:  (607)  273-7340  x.113 
F:  (607)  273-8752 
dburrows  @ 

Report  Documentation  Page 

Form  Approved 
OMB  No.  0704-0188 

Public  reporting  burden  for  the  collection  of  information  is  estimated  to  average  1  hour  per  response,  including  the  time  for  reviewing  instructions,  searching  existing  data  sources,  gathering  and 
maintaining  the  data  needed,  and  completing  and  reviewing  the  collection  of  information.  Send  comments  regarding  this  burden  estimate  or  any  other  aspect  of  this  collection  of  information, 
including  suggestions  for  reducing  this  burden,  to  Washington  Headquarters  Services,  Directorate  for  Information  Operations  and  Reports,  1215  Jefferson  Davis  Highway,  Suite  1204,  Arlington 
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does  not  display  a  currently  valid  OMB  control  number. 


APR  2013 



00-12-2012  to  00-03-2013 


Lean  and  Efficient  Software:Whole-Program  Optimization  of 





6.  AUTHOR(S) 





GammaTech,531  Esty  Street, Ithaca, NY, 14850 







Approved  for  public  release;  distribution  unlimited 














Same  as 
Report  (SAR) 

18.  NUMBER 


19a.  NAME  OF 

Standard  Form  298  (Rev.  8-98) 

Prescribed  by  ANSI  Std  Z39-18 

Lean  and  Efficient  Software:  Whole-Program  Optimization  of  Executables 
Progress  Report  #2 

©  GrammaTech,  Inc.  2013 

1  Financial  Summary 

Total  contract  amount  (1  year) 


Costs  incurred  during  the  performance 
period  (1/1/2013-3/31/2013) 


Costs  incurred  to  date  (to  3/31/2013) 


Estimated  to  complete 


2  Project  Overview 


Current  requirements  for  critical  and  embedded  infrastructures  call  for  significant  increases 
in  both  the  performance  and  the  energy  efficiency  of  computer  systems.  Needed 
performance  increases  cannot  be  expected  to  come  from  Moore's  Law,  as  the  speed  of  a 
single  processor  core  reached  a  practical  limit  at  ~4GHz;  recent  performance  advances  in 
microprocessors  have  come  from  increasing  the  number  of  cores  on  a  single  chip.  However, 
to  take  advantage  of  multiple  cores,  software  must  be  highly  parallelizable,  which  is  rarely 
the  case.  Thus,  hardware  improvements  alone  will  not  provide  the  desired  performance 
improvements  and  it  is  imperative  to  address  software  efficiency  as  well. 

Existing  software-engineering  practices  target  primarily  the  productivity  of  software 
developers  rather  than  the  efficiency  of  the  resulting  software.  As  a  result,  modern  software 
is  rarely  written  entirely  from  scratch— rather  it  is  assembled  from  a  number  of  third-party  or 
"home-grown"  components  and  libraries.  These  components  and  libraries  are  developed  to 
be  generic  to  facilitate  reuse  by  many  different  clients.  Many  components  and  libraries, 
themselves,  integrate  additional  lower-level  components  and  libraries.  Many  levels  of  library 
interfaces— where  some  libraries  are  dynamically  linked  and  some  are  provided  in  binary 
form  only— significantly  limit  opportunities  for  whole-program  compiler  optimization.  As  a 
result,  modern  software  ends  up  bloated  and  inefficient.  Code  bloat  slows  application 
loading,  reduces  available  memory,  and  makes  software  less  robust  and  more  vulnerable.  At 
the  same  time,  modular  architecture,  dynamic  loading,  and  the  absence  of  source  code  for 
commercial  third-party  components  make  it  hopeless  to  expect  existing  tools  (compilers  and 
linkers)  to  excel  at  optimizing  software  at  build  time. 

The  opportunity: 

The  objective  of  this  project  is  to  investigate  the  feasibility  of  improving  the  performance, 
size,  and  robustness  of  binary  executables  by  using  static  and  dynamic  binary  program 
analysis  techniques  to  perform  whole-program  optimization  directly  on  compiled  programs. 
The  scope  includes  analyzing  the  effectiveness  of  techniques  for  specializing  library 


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Progress  Report  #2 

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©  GrammaTech,  Inc.  2013 

subroutines,  removing  redundant  argument  checking  and  interface  layers,  eliminating  dead 
code,  and  improving  computational  efficiency.  The  contractor  expects  the  optimizations  to 
be  applied  at  or  immediately  prior  to  deployment  of  software,  allowing  them  to  tailor  the 
optimized  software  to  its  target  platform.  Today,  machine-code  analysis  and  binary-rewriting 
techniques  have  reached  a  sufficient  maturity  level  to  make  whole-program,  machine-code 
optimization  feasible.  These  techniques  open  avenues  for  aggressive  optimization  that 
benefit  from  detailed  knowledge  of  an  application's  composition  and  its  environment. 

Work  items: 

We  expect  to  develop  algorithms  and  heuristics  to  accomplish  the  goals  stated  above.  We 
will  embed  our  work  in  a  prototype  tool  that  will  serve  as  our  experimental  and  testing 
platform.  Because  "Lean  and  Efficient  Software:  Whole-Program  Optimization  of 
Executables"  is  a  rather  long  title,  we  will  refer  to  the  project  as  Layer  Collapsing  and  the 
prototype  tool  as  Laci  (for  LAyer  Collapsing  Infrastructure). 

The  specific  work  items  are  listed  below: 

1.  The  contractor  will  investigate  techniques  for  specializing  libraries  and  third-party 
components— i.e.,  techniques  for  deriving  custom  versions  of  libraries  and  components 
that  are  optimized  for  use  in  a  specific  context. 

1.1.  The  contractor  will  evaluate  program-slicing  and  program-specialization  technology 
developed  independently  at  the  referenced  university. 

1.2.  The  contractor  will  investigate  techniques  for  recovering  intermediate  program 
representation  (IR)  required  for  slicing  and  specialization  techniques.  The  contractor 
will  focus  on  the  following  tasks: 

1.2.1.  Using  static  binary  analyses  for  IR  recovery. 

1.2.2.  Using  hybrid  static  and  dynamic  binary  analyses  for  IR  recovery. 

1.2.3.  Studying  trade-offs  between  the  two  approaches. 

1.2.4.  Identifying  the  approach  to  be  implemented  in  a  prototype  tool. 

2.  The  contractor  will  attempt  to  implement  a  prototype  optimization  tool.  This  objective 
can  be  subdivided  into  the  following  subtasks: 

2.1.  Implement  IR-recovery  mechanisms. 

2.2.  Extend  and  improve  the  implementation  of  the  slicing  or  specialization  technology 
transferred  from  the  university. 

2.3.  Investigate  the  tradeoff  between  improved  performance  through  specialization  and 
the  resulting  increase  in  executable  size. 

2.4.  Investigate  options  for  handling  dynamically  linked  components  and  libraries. 

3.  The  contractor  will  investigate  techniques  for  further  optimization  of  executables  and  for 
collapsing  library  interface  layers.  The  contractor  will  consider: 

3.1.  Selective  inlining  of  library  functions. 

3.2.  Specialization  of  executables  to  the  target  platform. 

As  time  and  resources  permit,  the  contractor  will  attempt  to  implement  these  additional 
techniques  in  the  prototype  optimization  tool. 


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Progress  Report  #2 

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©  GrammaTech,  Inc.  2013 

4.  The  contractor  will  evaluate  the  prototype  optimization  tools  implemented  or  received 
from  the  university  experimentally.  The  contractor  will  use  synthetic  benchmarks,  as  well 
as  real-world  open-source  software  for  the  evaluation. 

5.  The  contractor  will  maintain  project  documentation  and  produce  comprehensive 
progress  reports  and  a  detailed  final  report. 

3  Staffing 

The  following  personnel  are  participating  in  this  project. 

Dr.  David  Cok  is  the  PI  and  is  responsible  for  program  management,  infrastructure  and  the 
user-facing  aspects  of  the  resulting  tool.  He  is  also  the  PI  for  GrammaTech's  effort  on  the 
DARPA  Rapid  project;  that  project  is  producing  some  key  underlying  technology  that  is  being 
used  by  the  Layer  Collapsing  project. 

Dr.  Alexey  Loginov  is  the  key  architect  of  the  binary  analysis  infrastructure. 

Dr.  Suan  Yong  and  Dr.  Junghee  Lim  are  senior  scientists  having  detailed  knowledge  of  the 
binary  analysis  infrastructure  and  algorithms. 

Brian  Alliet  is  the  principal  implementation  engineer. 

Tom  Johnson  is  the  resident  expert  on  the  API  for  editing  the  Intermediate  Representation  of 
an  analyzed  binary.  He  will  be  consulted  regarding  the  current  state  and  designs  for 
improvement  of  this  API. 

David  Ciarletta  and  Frank  Adelstein  are  contributing  to  infrastructure  development  and 
measuring  overall  algorithm  and  tool  robustness. 

4  Accomplishments  during  the  reporting  period 

4.1  Overall  plan 

The  principal  goals  for  the  first  three  months  of  the  project  were  to  plan  the  details  of  the 
project  work,  to  assess  the  applicability  of  existing  tools  and  algorithms,  and  to  perform 
some  feasibility  experiments. 

In  the  three  month  period  just  ending,  we 

•  performed  studies  of  possible  useful  transformations, 

•  implemented  some  of  them, 

•  implemented  the  infrastructure  to  test  that  the  transformations  do  not  alter  the  valid 
behavior  of  the  transformed  programs,  and 

•  continued  to  review  and  exercise  the  specialization  implementation  from  UWisconsin. 
The  following  sections  provide  details  on  these  accomplishments. 


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Progress  Report  #2 

N000 14- 1 2-C-052 1 
©  GrammaTech,  Inc.  2013 

4.2  Transformations 

At  the  heart  of  the  Laci  system  will  be  a  set  of  transformations  that  can  be  performed  on  an 
executable  binary  program,  possibly  accompanied  by  dynamically  loaded  libraries.  Each 
transformation  is  expected  to  preserve  all  valid  functionality  of  the  program,  but  to  provide 
some  benefits.  We  are  measuring  benefits  in  three  areas.  These  three  goals  may  be 
differently  emphasized  in  different  contexts. 

•  Changes  in  size  of  the  executable  -  reductions  in  size  are  expected  to  translate  into 
better  use  of  resources  and  better  efficiency,  e.g.,  due  to  decreasing  the  load  on  the 
instruction  cache 

•  Changes  in  runtime  performance  -  better  runtime  performance  is  always  desired  by 
users,  and  is  also  correlated  with  lower  power  consumption 

•  Changes  in  security  vulnerabilities  -  transformations  induce  diversification,  making 
the  executable  harder  to  exploit;  additionally,  removing  some  procedures  from  the 
executable  reduces  the  number  of  return  statements,  and  thus  the  number  of 
potential  ROP  gadgets  available  to  attackers. 

We  address  each  potential  transformation  with  the  following  steps: 

•  Limit  studies:  where  possible,  before  beginning  to  implement  a  transformation, 
estimate  how  much  benefit  is  reasonable  to  expect  from  the  transformation.  Note 
that  modern  compilers  implement  many  very  sophisticated  optimizations,  so  some 
transformations  may  turn  out  to  yield  minimal  benefit.  It  is  best  to  know  how  much 
benefit  to  expect  before  diving  into  implementation  work;  having  an  estimate  also 
helps  to  evaluate  the  success  of  the  implemented  transformation. 

•  Transformation:  implement  the  actual  transformation  on  the  binary  executable  (and 
libraries,  if  relevant),  using  the  GrammaTech's  CodeSurfer  Intermediate 

•  Candidate  selection:  devise  the  decision  procedure  that  indicates  when  to  apply  the 
transformation.  For  example,  an  inlining  transformation  is  able  to  inline  a  procedure 
at  any  call  site.  Candidate  selection  will  decide  when  to  apply  the  transformation.  A 
reasonable  approach  may  be  to  inline  only  those  procedures  that  are  called  exactly 
once,  producing  slight  size,  performance,  and  security  improvements.  However,  it 
may  be  beneficial  to  apply  inlining  to  procedures  that  are  called  more  than  once, 
increasing  the  application  size,  but  providing  more  performance  and  security  benefit. 
Candidate  selection  will  embody  algorithms  for  such  decisions. 

•  Evaluation  on  crafted  applications:  Validate  that  the  transformation  achieves  its 
benefits  on  subject  applications  designed  especially  to  demonstrate  the  algorithm. 


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©  GrammaTech,  Inc.  2013 

•  Evaluation  on  a  test  suite:  We  are  compiling  a  test  suite  consisting  of  a  sampling  of 
realistic  executables.  This  evaluation  will  provide  data  on  how  successful  the 
transformation  can  be  expected  to  be  in  practice. 

•  Threats  to  validity:  The  transformation  or  the  heuristics  about  when  to  apply  it  may 
intentionally  or  by  necessity  exhibit  limitations.  We  intend  to  document  the  situations 
in  which  the  transformation  is  expected  to  be  sound  (i.e.,  preserve  all  valid  behaviors 
of  the  program)  and  when  it  may  not  be.  It  is  possible  that  a  transformation  that  is 
not  sound  on  some  classes  of  applications  may  have  still  have  significant  benefit. 

The  final  dimension  of  our  study  is  the  set  of  transformations  themselves.  We  list  candidate 
transformations  (or  variants)  here  and  discuss  them  further  in  the  subsections  below. 

•  The  NULL  transform 

•  Dead  code  removal 

•  Procedure  inlining 

•  Converting  dynamically  linked  functions  to  statically  linked  ones  (aiming  to  remove 
shared  objects  and  dynamically  loaded  libraries) 

•  Specialization  (possibly  including  partial  evaluation) 

4.2.1  The  NULL  transform 

The  NULL  transform  does  not  perform  any  changes  to  the  structure  of  the  program. 

However,  the  program  is  analyzed  into  an  Intermediate  Representation  and  then  written  out 
again.  As  a  result,  the  ordering  of  basic  blocks  and  procedures  may  change,  failures  to 
identify  relocatable  symbols  may  result  in  a  faulty  end  result,  among  other  changes.  Thus  the 
NULL  transform  is  a  test  of  the  basic  Laci  infrastructure:  if  an  application  still  performs 
correctly  after  the  NULL  transform,  then  the  Laci  infrastructure  is  working  correctly  (or  at 
least  correctly  enough  for  that  particular  application). 

Status:  The  NULL  transform  is  applied  as  part  of  nightly  tests  to  the  whole  test  suite  and  each 
test  application  passes  all  of  its  regression  tests. 

4.2.2  Dead  code  removal 

Transformation.  The  dead  code  transform  removes  code  from  the  subject  program  that  is 
not  executed.  Dead  code  can  consist  of  procedures  that  are  never  called  or  basic  blocks 
within  a  procedure  to  which  control  is  never  transferred.  Closely  related  to  dead  code 
removal  is  the  elimination  of  data  areas  that  are  never  used. 

Our  first  target  is  entire  unused  procedures.  The  transformation  to  eliminate  these  is 
straightforward,  since  it  just  consists  of  eliminating  the  procedure  -  no  other  code  needs 
adjusting  (besides  the  usual  relocation  of  code  that  happens  when  object  modules  are 
assembled  into  a  working  executable). 


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Lean  and  Efficient  Software:  Whole-Program  Optimization  of  Executables 
Progress  Report  #2 

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©  GrammaTech,  Inc.  2013 

The  actual  transformation  does  more  than  just  check  whether  a  procedure  is  called.  Rather, 
this  transformation  removes  code  that  is  statically  known  not  to  be  reachable  via  the  control- 
flow  graph  from  the  entry  point  (usually  main).  Given  an  object  file  with  three  procedures, 
only  one  of  which  is  used,  linkers  will  nearly  always  link  the  two  unused  procedures,  simply 
because  they  are  in  the  same  object  file  (object  files  are  generally  treated  as  an  atomic  unit). 
With  the  control-flow  information  provided  by  our  binary  analysis,  we  can  determine  that 
these  extra  procedures  aren't  reachable,  and  remove  them.  The  dead  code  removal 
transformation  works  similarly  to  a  garbage  collection  algorithm.  It  initially  marks  the  entry 
point  (e.g.,  main)  as  reachable,  then  continues  traversing  the  control-flow  graph,  recursively 
marking  procedures  as  reachable.  When  the  algorithm  terminates,  any  node  left  unmarked  is 
dead  and  can  be  removed.  Note  that  data  references  have  to  be  taken  into  account  as  well. 
For  example,  mov  eax,  prod  makes  prod  reachable,  even  if  control-flow  analysis  may  miss 
indirect  calls  to  prod  enabled  by  the  instruction. 

Applying  the  transformation.  Knowing  when  to  apply  the  transformation  is  a  bit  trickier.  One 
can  readily  determine  whether  there  are  any  direct  calls  to  a  procedure  from  elsewhere  in 
the  program.  Note  that  there  may  be  groups  of  procedures  that  mutually  call  each  other  but 
no  procedure  in  the  group  is  called,  and  the  group  as  a  whole  is  dead. 

However,  procedures  can  also  be  called  indirectly.  Knowing  the  values  of  all  function  pointers 
requires  a  much  more  complicated  analysis;  in  general,  it  is  undecidable.  A  conservative 
approach  can  note  when  the  address  of  a  procedure  is  taken,  even  if  it  cannot  determine 
whether  that  address  is  ever  used.  However,  even  then,  a  particularly  obfuscated  program 
could  construct  function  pointers  from  integer  operations.  Thus  there  is  some  soundness  risk 
in  applying  this  transformation. 

Benefits.  This  transformation  is  expected  to  significantly  reduce  the  size  of  an  executable  and 
improve  security  by  reducing  the  number  of  ROP  gadgets.  No  direct  effect  on  runtime 
performance  is  expected;  some  speedup  may  result  because  there  is  less  code  to  read  from 
memory  when  the  program  starts  and  instruction-cache  locality  may  be  improved. 

Limit  study.  To  determine  how  much  value  may  be  obtained  by  dead  code  removal  we 
performed  the  following  study.  Static  and  dynamic  analysis  data  was  collected  to  gather 
statistics  on  the  frequency  of  calls  for  each  procedure  in  the  test  executables.  A  total  of  104 
executables  from  the  GNU  coreutils  package  are  regularly  analyzed  by  the  test  infrastructure 
against  completed  transformations  (currently  the  NULL  transform).  The  analysis  gathers 
information  about  procedures  in  each  executable  to  identify  if  they  have  formal  arguments,  if 
there  are  local  variables,  how  many  places  the  procedure  is  called  from,  and  if  any  of  those 
call  sites  use  constants  as  one  or  more  of  the  arguments.  Error!  Reference  source  not  found, 
shows  a  histogram  of  the  number  of  procedures  with  X  call  sites  (where  X  is  the  value  on  the 
x-axis)  across  all  of  the  coreutils  executables.  A  total  of  5540  thunks  are  excluded  from  this 
data  set.  Thunks  (small  delegating  procedures)  make  up  about  1/3  of  the  total  procedures 
across  all  executables  analyzed  and  will  be  removed  when  the  executable  is  rewritten. 


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Lean  and  Efficient  Software:  Whole-Program  Optimization  of  Executables 
Progress  Report  #2 

N000 14- 1 2-C-052 1 
©  GrammaTech,  Inc.  2013 

has  formal  has  local  has  const  callsite  •  “-3 

Non-Thunk  Procedures  by  #  of  Call  Sites 

5  6  ?+ 

4  3%  2% 


g/-  3  *3  e  Hi  2  ;  2  4  2  112  1  '2 

T  t 

#  of  Callsites 

Figure  1  -  Total  Procedures  by  #  of  Call  Sites  for  GNU  coreutils 

Of  immediate  note  is  the  number  of  procedures  with  no  call  sites  (3,877,  38.1%).  This  is 
largely  due  to  the  use  of  shared  objects  among  the  executables  in  the  coreutils  package. 
When  any  procedure  from  one  of  those  shared  objects  is  referenced,  the  entire  object  is 
linked  into  the  executable. 

Results.  The  dead-code-removal  transformation  was  applied  to  our  test  executables.  The 
results  are  shown  in  the  following  graph. 


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Progress  Report  #2 

N000 14- 1 2-C-052 1 
©  GrammaTech,  Inc.  2013 










2-  E 

0 D  O 

S  J2 


X  .!=  C 
Q.  "O  3 

£  <2 

t  >■ 

8  £ 






Q-  D 








■  delta 

■  reduced 

Figure  2  -  Reduction  in  executable  size  from  dead-code  removal 

The  net  result  on  this  data  set  is  that  the  transformation  reduced  the  size  of  executables  by 
4-12%,  with  an  average  of  7-8%.  We  also  counted  the  reduction  in  the  number  of 
procedures,  shown  in  Figure  3. 

Figure  3  -  Reduction  in  the  number  of  procedures  from  dead-code  removal 

The  reduction  in  number  of  procedures  ranged  from  20-65%,  with  an  average  of  about  47%. 
The  procedures  removed  are  on  average  smaller  than  the  average  procedure  in  the 

4.2.3  Inlining  procedures 

Transformation.  The  inlining  transformation  replaces  a  call  to  a  procedure  with  the  actual 
text  of  the  procedure,  removing  control  transfer  (usually  effected  by  call  or  jmp 
instructions).  The  complete  application  of  the  transformation  can  be  carried  out  using  the 


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following  intermediate  steps  (not  all  of  these  steps  are  necessary  for  improved  performance, 
power  consumption,  and  security): 

•  Replace  the  call  to  the  callee  and  return  to  the  caller  with  jump  instructions. 

•  Remove  the  jump  instructions  and  reorder  the  code  so  that  the  instructions  of  the 
callee  are  directly  between  their  immediately  preceding  and  following  instructions  in 
the  caller. 

•  Combine  the  activation  records  of  the  two  procedures  so  that  the  stack  size  is 
adjusted  just  once  to  account  for  the  callee's  local  variables  and  saved  registers. 
Adjust  the  stack  to  account  for  the  removal  of  some  operations,  such  as  the  saving  of 
the  return  address. 

•  Remove  what  used  to  be  the  copies  of  values  to  stack  locations  that  held  the  actual 
arguments  of  the  callee.  Change  the  callee  to  use  the  values  directly  from  the  caller's 
activation  record  (or  as  global  memory  locations).  This  can  be  accomplished  by 
analyses  such  as  copy  propagation  and  constant  folding. 

•  Adjust  the  stack  to  avoid  saving  space  for  the  return  address. 

•  Eliminate  unnecessary  register-save  operations,  e.g.,  registers  saved  by  the  caller  that 
are  not  modified  by  the  callee. 

4.2. 3.1  Inlining  procedures  without  cloning 

Applying  the  transformation.  This  transformation  can  be  applied  whenever  a  procedure  is 
called  just  once  and  its  address  is  never  taken.  Some  of  the  same  caveats  apply  as  for  the 
analysis  of  calls  to  determine  dead  code. 

Benefits.  This  transformation  is  expected  to  decrease  the  size  of  an  executable  and  increase 
its  runtime  performance  only  slightly.  (The  improvement  comes  from  avoiding  unnecessary 
parameter  marshaling  and  control  transfers.)  However,  the  transformation  will  reduce  the 
number  of  return  instructions  and  therefore  improve  security  by  reducing  the  number  of 
ROP  gadgets. 

Limit  study.  The  limit  study  results  for  dead  code  above  also  contain  information  about 
inlining  possibilities.  In  the  data  set  we  analyzed,  3007  (29.5%)  of  the  procedures  had  only 
one  call  site  and  are  reasonable  candidates  for  inlining. 

Results.  This  transformation  has  been  successfully  implemented.  The  number  of  procedures 
removed  equals  the  number  of  RET  instructions  removed,  and  is  a  measure  of  the  security 

4.2. 3. 2  Inlining  procedures  with  cloning 

Transformation.  Inlining  can  be  applied  even  if  a  procedure  is  used  in  more  than  one  place:  a 
separate  copy  of  the  procedure  can  be  inlined  in  each  location  where  it  is  used. 

Applying  the  transformation.  Just  as  for  inlining  without  cloning,  this  transformation  can  be 
applied  wherever  the  callers  of  a  procedure  are  precisely  known  and  its  address  is  never 


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taken  and  used.  The  challenge  is  to  balance  the  size  of  the  inlined  procedure  and  the  number 
of  inlined  clones  against  the  resultant  increase  in  executable  size. 

Benefits.  This  transformation  is  expected  to  increase  the  size  of  the  executable  and  decrease 
the  number  of  ROP  gadgets.  The  direct  effect  on  performance  will  stem  from  reducing 
parameter  passing  and  control  transfers. 

Results.  We  have  not  yet  implemented  the  cloning  operation. 

4.2.4  Converting  dynamically  linked  functions  to  statically  linked 

Benefits.  Many  library  routines  are  made  available  to  executables  as  shared  objects  or  as 
dynamically  loaded  libraries.  The  advantage  of  this  system  design  is  that,  when  multiple 
executables  use  the  same  routines,  the  system  need  load  those  routines  into  memory  only 
once.  If  each  routine  were  linked  statically  into  each  executable,  the  sizes  of  all  of  the 
executables  would  increase  significantly.  However,  the  presence  of  shared  objects  means 
that  there  are  also  many  procedures  that  are  part  of  the  address  space  of  an  executable  but 
are  not  used  by  it;  thus  there  is  dead  code  and  an  increased  number  of  possible  ROP  gadgets. 

Transformation.  The  transformation  is  to  statically  link  in  only  the  needed  functions  from  a 
dynamically  loaded  library  module,  removing  the  need  to  use  shared  objects  and  DLLs.  This 
requires  essentially  reimplementing  (or  reusing)  much  of  the  functionality  of  the  linker  and 

Applying  the  transformation.  The  transformation  can  be  applied  whenever  the  analysis  can 
be  confident  that  it  knows  which  of  the  procedures  in  a  shared  object  or  DLL  are  called  and  at 
what  call  site.  The  benefit  of  the  transformation  to  the  transformed  application  is  easy  to 
understand.  However,  real-world  applications  of  the  transformation  need  to  take  into 
account  the  effect  on  the  whole  system:  will  other  applications  run  more  slowly  because  the 
extra  copies  of  previously  shared  code  affect  the  virtual  memory  and  the  instruction  cache. 
Distinguishing  standard  from  application-specific  libraries  may  provide  an  acceptable  answer. 

Limit  study.  The  limit  study  above  identified  a  large  fraction  (38%)  of  procedures  that  were 
unused;  most  of  these  are  from  shared  objects. 

Results.  Implementation  of  this  transformation  is  expected  to  begin  in  the  next  performance 

4.2.5  Specialization  and  partial  evaluation 

Specialization  and  partial  evaluation  are  terms  that  are  often  used  to  refer  to  similar 
techniques  (we  will  adhere  to  the  common  practice  of  viewing  partial  evaluation  as  a  kind  of 
specialization,  as  will  be  elaborated  below).  The  primary  goal  of  specialization  is  to  improve 
the  runtime  cost  of  a  program  by  optimizing  the  program's  code  for  the  restricted  context  in 
which  the  program  components  (e.g.,  functions)  are  used.  These  are  some  example  use 


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•  A  program  performs  many  computations  but  only  some  of  those  computations  affect 
the  program  outputs  (e.g.,  some  command-line  processing  has  no  effect  on  the 
output  or  observable  side  effects).  Instructions  that  do  not  affect  the  outputs  can  be 

•  General  purpose  library  routines  may  be  used  in  just  a  few  contexts  within  a  program. 
As  a  result,  some  of  the  instructions  within  the  library  routine  may  be  unused  and 
removable.  For  example,  perhaps  a  procedure  tests  that  a  given  argument  is  non-null, 
issuing  an  error  message  if  it  is  null.  If  analysis  shows  that  in  all  of  the  calling  contexts 
in  a  subject  application  the  caller  assures  that  the  argument  is  indeed  non-null,  then 
the  error-checking  code  within  the  library  routine  can  be  removed. 

•  Values  known  at  load  time  (e.g.,  what  kind  of  a  platform  a  general  library  routine  is 
being  executed  on)  may  enable  the  more  general  kind  of  specialization  when 
instructions  are  partially  evaluated  to  produce  simpler  or  more  efficient  specialized 

These  transformations  can  be  implemented  with  varying  degrees  of  complexity. 

•  A  dependence-based  specialization  considers  only  the  data  and  control  dependences 
within  a  program,  given  its  limited  context  of  use,  and  does  not  try  to  concretely  or 
symbolically  evaluate  the  program.  This  can  provide  a  conservative  amount  of  code 
reduction.  This  is  implemented  in  UW's  specialization-slicing  prototype. 

•  Partial  evaluation  usually  refers  to  specialization  that  involves  simplifying  code  based 
on  information  known  statically.  For  instance,  constant  propagation  can  be  used  to 
simplify  uses  of  a  procedure's  argument  that  is  known  statically.  Partial  evaluation 
begins  with  binding-time  analysis  that  determines  the  division  of  arguments  to  a 
function  into  those  known  statically  and  those  determined  only  at  runtime. 

•  Polyvariant  specialization  (or  partial  evaluation)  is  capable  of  creating  multiple  copies 
of  a  procedure  specialized  to  multiple  distinct  contexts  (i.e.,  different  constant  values 
for  a  given  argument  known  statically).  Transformations  of  copies  can  be  aggressive, 
as  they  can  be  tailored  to  a  single  context.  Flowever,  the  gain  needs  to  be  balanced 
against  the  indirect  costs  of  creating  many  similar  forms  of  a  procedure. 

•  Polyvariant-division  specialization  (or  partial  evaluation)  is  prepared  to  consider 
multiple  divisions  of  arguments  into  statically  known  and  dynamically  determined. 
This  requires  the  ability  to  create  multiple  copies  of  the  procedure  to  be  specialized. 
Prof.  Reps's  group  at  UW  Madison  intends  to  work  with  GrammaTech  to  extend  the 
specialization-slicing  prototype  into  a  polyvariant  and  polyvariant-division  partial- 
evaluation  tool. 

Limit  study.  One  initial  study  of  the  possibilities  of  specialization  was  to  observe  in  our  data 
set  how  frequently  the  arguments  to  procedures  are  constants  and  which  constant  values 
were  used.  These  locations  would  be  potential  targets  for  specialization  via  partial 
evaluation.  Figure  4  displays  the  histogram  filtered  for  procedures  with  at  least  one  call  site 
that  uses  a  constant  argument.  By  selecting  one  of  the  bars  in  the  histogram  we  can  then  drill 
down  into  the  data  to  see  details  on  each  call  site  and  determine  the  number  of  specialized 


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copies  that  would  be  required.  For  example,  procedure  gnu  mbswidth  in  the  dir  executable 
is  called  6  times  with  an  explicit  zero  passed  as  the  second  argument.  This  provides  an 
example  of  a  prime  target  for  specialization  via  partial  evaluation  because  the  original 
procedure  could  be  replaced  by  one  specialized  copy. 

Figure  4  -  Call  Site  Histogram  and  Detail  Table  Filtered  for  Procedures  with  a  Call  Site  with  a 

Constant  Argument 

Status.  This  transformation  is  under  study  and  has  not  yet  been  implemented. 

4.3  Evaluation  of  specialization  slicing 

During  this  reporting  period  we  evaluated  both  the  ideas  and  the  implementation  behind  the 
work  on  Specialization  Slicing  done  by  our  collaborators  at  the  University  of  Wisconsin1. 

The  main  contribution  of  that  work  is  an  algorithm  for  performing  polyvariant  specialization. 
The  technique  has  a  reasonably  efficient  polynomial  cost  in  practice  (while  in  theory  there  is 
a  possibility  of  exponential  explosion).  The  specialization  is  based  on  slicing,  i.e.,  by  following 

1  Aung,  M.,  Horwitz,  S.,  Joiner,  R.,  and  Reps,  T.,  Specialization  slicing.  TR-1776,  Computer 
Sciences  Department,  University  of  Wisconsin,  Madison,  Wl,  October  2012.  Submitted  for 
journal  publication. 


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dependence  edges  only,  and  does  not  simplify  code  based  on  the  values  of  constants  and 
variables.  There  may  be  benefit  to  combining  this  approach  with  a  partial-evaluation-based 
approach  that  considers  values.  UW  and  GrammaTech  intend  to  pursue  this  further. 

The  prototype  implementation  targets  C  programs,  using  CodeSurfer/C  as  a  front  end.  We 
have  imported  a  copy  of  Wisconsin's  implementation  into  our  code  repository,  and  are 
working  to  reproduce  the  results  presented  in  their  paper.  Thereafter,  we'll  consider  several 
possible  tasks: 

1.  Improving  the  performance  of  the  prototype,  which  at  times  was  limited  by  the 
specific  version  of  CodeSurfer  available  to  UW.  Given  that  we  have  full  access  to  the 
CodeSurfer  source  code,  we  can  make  improvements  within  CodeSurfer  to  support 
operations  needed  by  this  work. 

2.  Adapt  the  work  to  target  x86  binaries.  Given  that  the  work  uses  the  CodeSurfer 
framework,  it  already  leverages  some  existing  common  infrastructure  that  supports 
both  C  and  x86  programs.  However,  peculiarities  of  analyzing  binaries  must  be 
accounted  for,  like  safely  excluding  dependence  edges  induced  by  updates  to  the 
stack  pointer,  which  would  normally  (in  a  naive  slicing  implementation)  result  in  poor 
quality  slices  (slices  that  are  too  big,  effectively  including  the  entire  program). 

4.4  Rewriting  infrastructure 

The  program  transformations  that  we  are  implementing  as  part  of  Laci  are  built  on  a 
foundation  of  rewriting  operations  on  the  basic  Intermediate  Representation.  For  the 
purpose  of  Laci,  we  need  additional  rewriting  operations  -  in  particular  deletion  operations. 
Such  operations  are  non-trivial  because  there  is  a  great  amount  of  interdependent  analysis 
results  and  data  tables;  changing  the  IR  requires  appropriately  updating  all  related  data  (or 
recomputing  it  from  scratch). 

In  this  reporting  period,  we  improved  the  pretty  printer  and  identified  and  fixed  IR  problems 
that  caused  rewriting  to  fail.  Over  a  dozen  different  types  of  IR  problems  were  identified  and 
test  cases  were  created  for  them.  A  mechanism  for  providing  "user  hints",  that  is  assembly-IR 
hints  provided  by  the  user  in  an  external  human  readable  file,  was  created  to  allow  us  to 
quickly  work  around  the  problems,  and  identify  exactly  what  extra  information  or 
computation  is  needed  to  overcome  them.  Hints  were  created  for  all  the  microtests  for  the 
IR  problems  identified,  as  well  as  all  of  coreutils,  allowing  them  all  to  rewrite  successfully  and 
pass  the  regression  tests. 

Using  the  number  and  frequency  of  the  hints  required  for  the  various  tests,  we  identified  the 
IR  problems  that  were  most  prevalent  and  began  to  address  them.  The  most  prevalent 
problem  was  misidentifying  operands  as  numeric  instead  of  symbolic  (e.g.,  lea  eax, 
[eax*4+0xl234 ] ,  where  0x1234  is  an  address  in  the  data  segment).  We  developed  a 
heuristic  to  identify  these  cases  (which  while  not  entirely  sound,  is  justified  by  all  our 
experimentation  to  date)  and  correct  the  IR.  A  handful  of  other  more  minor  IR  problems 


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were  also  fixed  (including  data  vs.  code  confusion,  jump  tables  misidentified,  and  shared- 
library  imports  misidentified). 

Other  accomplishments  include  optimizing  instruction  selection  for  instructions  with  multiple 
encodings  and  support  for  removing  code  (identified  as  dead)  from  our  IR. 

Next,  we  give  more  details  on  improvements  to  the  rewriting  infrastructure  carried  out 
during  this  performance  period. 

The  virtual  memory  addresses  of  code  and  data  in  transformed  binaries  are  nearly  always 
different  from  their  initial  values.  This  can  simply  be  due  to  reordering  existing  code  (which 
may  happen  as  a  side  effect  of  the  machine  code  to  CodeSurfer  IR  translation,  or 
intentionally  to  improve  security),  or  due  to  the  removal  of  dead  code  and  data  from  the 
binary.  When  code  and  data  moves,  all  references  to  their  old  locations  must  be  updated  to 
reference  the  new  locations.  This  is  accomplished  by  making  memory  references  symbolic  in 
the  IR.  For  example:  mov  eax,  [0x1234]  might  be  represented  as  mov  eax,  [global_var_l] 
in  the  IR.  Which  indicates  that  we  want  to  load  the  value  of  the  global  var  l,  wherever  it  is 
placed,  not  necessarily  what  is  at  address  0x1234. 

Unfortunately  identifying  references  which  should  be  symbolic  is  difficult.  In  the  above 
example  it  is  relatively  straightforward  because  the  instruction  explicitly  dereferences 
0x1234  (accessing  the  data  at  that  memory  location).  However,  if  instead  the  instruction 
were  mov  eax,  0x1234,  it  would  be  generally  impossible  to  decide  whether  it's  an  address 
(demanding  a  symbol)  or  a  literal  value  without  addition  information.  This  is  because  the 
compiler  could  generate  such  an  instruction  for  C  statement  void  *p  =  sglobal  var  l,  as 
well  as  int  x  =  0x1234.  We  developed  heuristics  that  intend  to  distinguish  between  these 
two  cases  and  mark  operands  as  symbolic  where  desired.  The  heuristics  take  into  account  a 
variety  of  potential  hints  including  the  range  of  valid  addresses  in  the  binary,  the  alignment 
of  the  value  (e.g.,  pointers  in  the  data  section  are  always  four-byte  aligned),  and  the  distance 
from  known  symbols  (e.g.,  information  gathered  from  the  symbol  table,  if  provided). 
According  to  our  evaluation  so  far,  these  heuristics  work  remarkably  well  in  practice. 

The  x86  ISA  has  multiple  encodings  (which  are  functionally  equivalent,  but  are  represented 
by  different  byte  sequences)  for  some  instructions.  For  example,  mov  eax,  42  can  be 
encoded  using  a  four-byte  immediate  for  the  literal  value  42,  or  a  one-byte  immediate.  They 
both  accomplish  the  same  thing,  but  the  former  takes  three  more  bytes  to  encode.  Our 
intermediate  representation  did  not  previously  distinguish  between  these  encodings  for 
simplicity.  However,  when  transforming  a  binary,  it  is  important  not  to  use  less  optimal 
encodings.  Since  some  of  this  information  was  previously  lost  in  the  IR,  our  code  generator 
had  to  redo  some  of  these  optimizations  to  avoid  creating  larger  binaries.  We  added  support 
for  a  handful  of  alternate  encodings  (preferring  the  optimal  size  for  immediate  values)  to  our 
code  generator,  and  with  additional  IR  support  we  can  now  emit  byte-for-byte— modulo 
code  reordering— identical  binaries  when  no  other  transformations  are  performed. 


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The  dead  code  removal  transformation  described  earlier  motivated  the  development  of 
support  for  removing  complete  procedures  from  our  IR.  While  dead  code  removal  could  be 
implemented  (and  indeed,  initially  was)  as  a  filter  on  the  code  to  be  emitted  following 
transformation,  it  is  more  naturally  implemented  as  a  modification  of  the  IR.  This  means  that 
the  code  generator  no  longer  has  to  be  aware  of  the  dead  code  removal  pass,  and  later 
transformations  can  take  advantage  of  the  results  of  dead  code  removal  (for  example,  a 
procedure  with  two  call  sites,  one  of  which  is  dead,  can  now  be  subject  to  inlining  if  the 
inlining  transformation  doesn't  see  the  dead  call  site).  We  have  implemented  support  for 
removing  arbitrary  procedures  (as  well  as  individual  instructions  or  basic  blocks  within 
procedures)  from  our  IR.  These  removals  must  be  done  in  a  way  that  doesn't  invalidate  the 
CFG.  For  example,  a  procedure  can  only  be  removed  if  it  has  no  callers.  The  implementation 
ensures  that  removing  a  procedure  is  a  sound  transformation. 

4.5  Evaluation  infrastructure 

An  important  aspect  of  developing  a  successful  Laci  prototype  is  to  establish  a  common 
evaluation  approach  that  can  track  the  success  and  performance  gains  of  applying 
optimizations  to  an  executable.  In  January,  a  testing  and  performance  evaluation  framework 
was  built  to  establish  a  baseline  and  track  progress  on  the  development  of  the  prototype. 
The  test  infrastructure  supports  submission  of  test  cases  that  specify  transformations  to 
apply  to  target  executables.  Once  submitted,  the  test  cases  are  run  on  a  daily  basis  and  test 
results  are  recorded  using  existing  GrammaTech  test  infrastructure.  The  current  tests  apply  a 
transformation  to  an  executable,  performing  optional  IR  validation  if  specified.  If  the 
transformation  is  successfully  applied  (i.e.,  a  new  executable  is  written),  then  user-defined 
tests  are  run  against  each  version  of  the  executable  (pre-  and  post-  transformation).  Any 
discrepancies  in  test  results  are  reported  as  a  failure.  Additionally,  system-resource 
utilization  metrics  are  collected  for  each  test  run  on  each  version  of  the  executable  and 
average  changes  in  utilization  profiles  are  reported.  These  metrics  will  be  expanded  as 
project  objectives  are  refined  by  initial  investigations,  but  establish  a  solid  baseline  upon 
which  general  gains  in  performance,  size  and  security  can  be  tracked  as  transformations  are 
developed.  The  test  infrastructure  is  currently  being  populated  with  both  small  sample 
programs  that  test  the  soundness  of  the  IR  being  generated  and  with  a  set  of  real-world 
executables  that  currently  consists  of  the  GNU  coreutils  package.  As  transformations  are 
developed  they  can  be  tested  against  these  and  other  executables  added  to  the 

The  test  and  performance  evaluation  framework  was  expanded  in  February  to  support  limit 
studies  to  guide  the  prioritization  of  transformations  to  prototype,  as  described  above.  In 
March,  we  identified  additional  applications  to  add  to  the  test  and  performance  evaluation 
framework  including:  bzip2,  cryptopp,  glut,  libpng,  and  Python.  These  applications  and  their 
test  suites  will  be  used  to  enhance  the  validation  of  our  prototype  transformations  and 
extend  our  limit  studies  to  larger  user  applications. 

Thus,  currently,  we  have  a  regression  suite  consisting  of 


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•  More  than  100  coreutils  programs  and  their  regression  suites 

•  Additional  3rd  party  software.  We  are  evaluating  bzip2,  cryptopp,  glut,  libidn,  libpng, 
miniupnpc.  Python,  sphinx,  yasm,  and  zlib.  We  have  incorporated  bzip2  into  Laci  and 
are  in  the  process  of  incorporating  libpng.  cryptopp  is  a  windows-only  package,  and 
thus  is  currently  excluded.  The  glut  package  is  15  years  old  and  has  linking  problems, 
possibly  depending  on  old  libraries.  After  the  other  packages  have  been  evaluated 
we  may  return  to  it  if  more  are  needed.  The  remaining  packages  will  be  evaluated 
and  added  subsequently.  [Note  that  our  focus  is  on  Linux  executables.] 

We  are  adding  additional  programs  as  we  find  suitable  candidates.  The  key  criteria  for 
including  a  program  are  the  availability  of  (1)  openly  available  source  so  that  we  can  build 
and  test  it  in  a  variety  of  environments  and  (2)  a  reasonably  strong  test  suite  (because  it 
would  be  a  substantial  tax  on  this  project  to  create  such  test  suites  ourselves). 

We  are  investigating  the  use  of  automated  test-case  generation  via  concolic  execution  as 
implemented  in  GrammaTech's  Grace  research  tool.  The  application  of  Grace  to  coreutils 
packages  is  part  of  a  different  contract  at  GrammaTech.  Research  carried  out  under  that 
contract  may  be  able  to  provide  a  comparison  of  the  quality  of  coverage  of  coreutils  test 
suite  with  that  of  our  concolic  engine  Grace.  If  Grace  provides  deeper  coverage,  we  may 
choose  to  use  it  for  validating  our  transformations.  If  Laci  includes  aggressive 
transformations  that  are  not  always  safe,  the  project  may  choose  to  rely  on  automated  test- 
case  generation,  as  the  availability  of  comprehensive  test  suites  cannot  be  expected  of  all 
applications  to  be  transformed.  Concolic  execution  is  a  promising  approach  to  this  problem. 

5  Goals  for  the  next  reporting  period 

In  the  next  reporting  period  we  expect  to  begin  or  complete  the  following  (see  the 
milestones  table  for  dates): 

•  Begin  the  dynamic  to  static  procedure  transformation. 

•  Complete  the  evaluation  of  the  UW  technology. 

•  Complete  the  investigation  of  procedure  inlining. 

•  Continue  the  assessment  of  specialization  and  partial  evaluation  technologies  and 
implementations,  converting  relevant  software  to  our  use. 

•  Continue  to  add  benchmarks  and  associated  test  cases  to  the  testing  suite 


Data  Subject  to  Restrictions  on  Cover  Page. 

Lean  and  Efficient  Software:  Whole-Program  Optimization  of  Executables 
Progress  Report  #2 

N000 14- 1 2-C-052 1 
©  GrammaTech,  Inc.  2013 

6  Milestones 

Interim  results  on  multi-month  tasks  will  be  reported  in  the  quarterly  progress  reports. 



Start  date 

Planned  Delivery/ 
Completion  Date 

Actual  Delivery/  Completion 

Kickoff  meeting 

As  scheduled  by 
Technical  Monitor 

Phone  discussion  in  January 
2013;  TM  declined  to 
schedule  a  more  in-depth 

Evaluation  of  structure  and 
code  quality  of  UW  technology 
(task  1.1) 




First  Quarterly  report  (task  5) 



Investigate  and  implement 
dead-code  removal  of  entire 
functions(task  3) 




Implement  a  testable  working 
prototype  with  the  null- 
transform  option  (the 
foundation  for  tasks  2  and  4) 




Continuing  task:  Identify 
failures  resulting  from  incorrect 
IR;  correspondingly  improve  or 
repair  the  IR  recovery 
techniques,  (tasks  1.2  and  2.1) 


9/24/2013,  with 
all  individual 
noted  in  quarterly 

Ongoing  task  with  continuous 

Identify  common  coding  idioms 
and  compiler  transformations 
that  result  in  incorrect 
disassembly  (task  2.1) 



2/28/2012,  with  additional 
improvements  as 
opportunities  are  identified 

Implement  a  testing 
infrastructure  (task  2.3  and  task 




Design  and  implement  the  IR 
editing  infrastructure  (task  2). 




Data  Subject  to  Restrictions  on  Cover  Page. 

Lean  and  Efficient  Software:  Whole-Program  Optimization  of  Executables 
Progress  Report  #2 

N000 14- 1 2-C-052 1 
©  GrammaTech,  Inc.  2013 

Evaluation  of  performance  and 
precision  of  UW  technology 
(task  1.1) 



Still  in  progress 

Develop  real-world  and 
synthetic  benchmarks  to 
evaluate  performance  (task  4). 


9/24/2013,  with 
interim  progress 
each  month 

2/2013  (infrastructure  in 
place;  adding  additional  tests 
is  an  ongoing  task) 

Investigate  disassembly 
improvements  such  as  learning- 
based  bottom-up  disassembly 
and  all-leads  disassembly  (task 



Investigate  selective  inlining  of 
library  functions  (task  3.1) 



Second  quarterly  report  (task  5) 



Investigate  finding  and  deleting 
functionally  dead  code, 
possibly  using  slicing  and 
specialization  (task  2.2  and 




Investigate  specialization  to 
target  platforms  or  target 
environments  (task  3.2) 



Implement  aspects  of  the 
chosen  disassembly  extensions 
(task  2.1) 



Evaluate  hybrid  analyses  as  a 
complement  to  static  analyses 
for  recovering  IR  (Task  1.2) 



Third  quarterly  report  (task  5) 


Measure  the  performance 
tradeoff  of  various 
optimizations  and  evaluate  the 
overall  tool  (task  2.3  and  4) 




Data  Subject  to  Restrictions  on  Cover  Page. 

Lean  and  Efficient  Software:  Whole-Program  Optimization  of  Executables 
Progress  Report  #2 

N000 14- 1 2-C-052 1 
©  GrammaTech,  Inc.  2013 

Investigate  options  for  handling 
DLLs  (task  2.4) 



Final  report  (task  5) 

(contract  end 

7  Issues  requiring  Government  attention 

The  request  to  change  PI  on  the  project  (from  David  Melski  to  David  Cok)  was  verbally 
approved  (in  January),  but  the  corresponding  contracting  paperwork  has  not  been  received 
by  GrammaTech. 


Data  Subject  to  Restrictions  on  Cover  Page.